Lov lukem ve světě

Kde se loví v Evropě:

Kde se loví ve světě:

Studie a odkazy:

FACE: position on bow hunting (7 september 2020)

EBF: The Mode of Action of the Broadhead tipped Hunting Arrow (november 2019)

FBA: Puts Bow Hunting on Par with Rifle Hunting for White-tailed Deer (2019-2023)

EBF: Status for roe deer shot with bow and arrow in Denmark (1999-2007)

DBP and DNFNA: Statistics on Roedeer (Capreolus Capreolus) shot with bow and arrow in Denmark (1999-2004)

Partnerské organizace:

EBF – European Bowhunting Federation

FACE – European Federation for Hunting and Conservation

ČMMJ – Českomoravská myslivecká jednota

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